Steel Rule Dies for Filtration and Textiles
Key Dies, Inc. manufactures steel rule cutting dies used to convert materials used in filtration and textile applications. Our dies are used in the manufacturing of carpets, liners, insulators, heat shields, vinyl, woven and non-woven textiles, flooring, filters, fabrics and fiber board.
Key Dies has knowledge and capabilities that ensure close tolerances are maintained in your die cutting department. Two shifts and a competent staff in every area of our process work hard and smart to keep up with your most demanding schedules.
Steel rule dies for your application can be made with special components, such as, serrated knife in various levels of height and thickness, welded and brazed joints and gussets for extra strength, knock out and interior features, pinned rule and cutting rule up to 4" high and 4 points thick. Give us a call today!
We’re here to help your important project become a successful reality. The first step is communicating one-on-one. How can we work with you?